Passion for Classic Cars
When a summertime conversation turned from politics and sports to old cars, all four guys agreed that older is better–the cars were faster, roomier, easier to repair, and much more fun to drive! Others with a similar passion were invited to participate, and in the fall of 1984, a small group of car buffs met at Citizens’ Hall in Rathdrum, Idaho. As a result of their shared enthusiasm for classic cars, the club was formed.
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The North Idaho Classic Car Club's remembered History
Introduction by Dick Livingston
As remembered by Gene Fuson, Dan Drapeau, Bruce Pruitt, Dick Livingston, and Lon Morse.
On a hot summer evening twelve years ago, four guys were relaxing in a backyard after a long hard day. Wedged in somewhere between opinions on women, politics, and sports, came the discussion on old cars and how much better they were than modern iron: How much more fun to drive; Easier to repair; faster; roomier; classier; etc. All agreed that when it comes to cars, older is definitely better.
A year passed. The discussion and interest in old vehicles increased. More guys talked about getting together and cruising somewhere, but nobody tried to organize anything.
Finally, one of these fellows decided to call as many old car-buffs as he could reach and invite them, their friends and relatives, to a meeting. He reasoned that if enough people showed up and expressed enthusiasm, a car club could be formed.
By this time, old cars were cruising Sherman Avenue on Saturday nights, project cars were showing up parked behind twenty percent of the homes locally, but only one active car club existed, "Hassie". And Hassie met in Spokane, Washington. A local club was needed.
That first meeting, held at the Citizen's Hall in Rathdrum in the autumn of 1984, attracted only eight people from the twenty-two that had been called. Some interest was shown by those who attended so another meeting was scheduled for a month later. This time sixteen showed up!
Future meetings brought in fewer people because winter was upon us, but by spring of 1985 we had about twenty in regular attendance. We had developed a set of by-laws, selected a slate of officers, chosen a name for the club, and secured the Rathdrum Citizen's Hall as a regular meeting place.
Dick Livingston became the first president with Jim Schadewitz as his V-Pres., Mark Corbin was Ser. and Bob Head was Treas. Lon Morse sent out the newsletter, relying on the 50/50 to fund for the postage stamps.
A roster of members was printed, plans were made for events, a scrapbook was suggested and ideas for some sort of clothing that would identify us as a club was presented. New members began to show up at every meeting.
We were on our way!
By Dick Livingston
Meeting Details
The club meets on the third Tuesday of each month at the Post Falls American Legion, 1138 E Poleline (except December when we hold our annual Christmas party) Dinner is available, so many members show up at 6:00PM to enjoy Ben's Italian Night put on by the Legion. The official meeting starts 7:00PM in the Bingo Room.
1138 E Poleline, Post Falls, ID 83854
3rd Tuesday of each Month
Contact Us
Reach out to North Idaho Classics for inquiries about our classic car club and membership.